Thursday 20 January 2011

5 - A Fistful of Barton - Warehouse Theatre Company directed by Ted Craig

Every year the warehouse theatre resurrects the character of Dick Barton, Special Agent beloved star of the BBC's first daily radio serial back in the 1940s-50s. Each year is a brand new adventure or 'episode' and they are very popular, running from early December right through February.

So I figured it was a scandal I had never been to see one and went to check it out. It was hillarious fun, kicking off with Dick waking up in the bath. Queue innuedo galore and a song with a rubber duck and loofah.

This was the first of many hillarious original songs, with live music performed by members of the cast. Particularly impressive as most of them were already playing several parts with full costume changes in a fast-paced plot.

A versatile and brightly colourful set complemented the colourful characters. I liked the way part of a totem pole occasionally became transparent when back lit to reveal a BBC radio presenter, complete with dinner jacket and bow tie introducing the next scene.

A talented cast in a silly and engaging production with just the right mix of pastiche and affection for the subject. Definately worth catching next year's!

Have to say £2 for a flimsy programme was a bit of a rip off though.

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